BASF Herbicides

Basagran T&O
(Sodium Bentazon)
2 x 2.5 Gal Case
Better Postemergent Control.
Basagran T&O herbicide offers reliable, cost-effective postemergent control of tough broadleaf weeds, yellow nutsedge, annual sedges and more. It can also provide weed control in ornamentals. When used as directed, Basagran T&O:
Provides a cost-effective yellow nutsedge control program.
Effectively eliminates underground tubers.
Delivers effective postemergence activity, which allows flexibly timed weed control.
Can be used in cool- and warm-season turfgrass and ornamentals, and along roadsides.
Can be easily tank-mixed with other herbicides to affordably increase their spectrum of control.
Say Goodbye To Sedges And More.
In established cool- and warm-season turfgrasses, ornamentals and roadsides, Basagran T&O controls:
Yellow Nutsedge
Annual Sedges
Common Purslane
Lawn Burweed
Musk Thistle
Canada Thistle
Wild Mustard
How To Apply Basagran.
Apply 2 pints of Basagran T&O per acre (or 0.75 fluid oz. per 1000 sq. ft.; or 5 teaspoons per 1-2 gallons of water). Use methylated seed oil (MSO) crop oil concentrate (COC) with Basagran T&O. ApplyBasagran T&O to actively growing weeds as postemergence broadcast or spot spray. Coverage of the target weed is important. Do not mow three days before or after application for optimal control. UseBasagran T&O in post-directed sprays around all ornamentals except sycamore and rhododendren.Basagran T&O may also be applied as an over-the-top application on certain ornamental species.

Drive XLR8
0.5 gal Bottle
Driven To Perform Even Better.
Drive XLR8 herbicide is the latest technology in providing unsurpassed crabgrass control. A proprietary, water-based formulation, Drive XLR8 improves the control of crabgrass, torpedograss, kikuyugrass, several broadleaves (clover, speedwell) and numerous other troublesome weeds that you have relied onDrive 75 DF to control. When compared to Drive 75 DF, the new formulation in Drive XLR8:
Provides faster, more effective weed control.
Delivers quicker uptake by the plant.
Is rainfast quicker (in less than an hour).
Broadleaf and Grassy Weeds Controlled by Drive XLR8.
Drive XLR8 effectively controls:
Drive XLR8 even controls crabgrass in the mature stages — four tillers or more. And Drive XLR8provides outstanding residual control for up to 30 to 45 days with a single application.
Where To Use Drive XLR8.
Drive XLR8 is labeled for use in: residential, commercial and industrial turfgrasses, golf courses, sod farms, sports and recreation fields.
Refer to product label for additional information.
Keys to Success.
Spray coverage should be uniform and complete. It is recommended to not mow two days before or after application. Irrigation may improve weed control, if soil moisture is not sufficient. Drive XLR8 may be tank-mixed with other pre- and postemergent grass herbicides, along with postemergent broadleaf herbicides.

1 Gal Bottle
A Better Selective Postemergent Herbicide.
Segment herbicide offers selective control of weed problems in centipedegrass, annual bluegrass, fine fescue (established) and tall fescue (established). Turf professionals and commercial growers can enjoy control with no injury to labeled ornamental plants at any stage of growth. In addition, Segment is the only postemergent grass herbicide that can be applied directly to trees or shrubs at any stage of growth, even at seedling and “bud break” stages. Segment can be used on any non-grass plant species without issue.
Get Control And Flexibility.
Segment offers postemergent control of a broad spectrum of grassy weed problems. It is highly compatible with other herbicides, allowing flexibility of use in tank mixes (see below for suggested tank-mix options).
Segment is also rainfast in one hour, giving you flexibility in your application time as well.
Control in both fine fescue grass and tall fescue is rate-dependent at 1.5 pints maximum use rate. Note: Applications to tall fescue will result in discoloration and growth suppression. If reduced turf quality is not acceptable, applications should not be made to tall fescue.
Segment can be applied over the top on more than 350 species of ornamentals, resulting in better control of weeds and labor and cost savings.
How To Apply Segment.
Use Segment as directed by the label and follow these tips for best results:
Apply Segment when grasses are actively growing and free of stress.
Use a standard high-pressure flat fan or hollow cone nozzle for application.
Irrigate prior to application to enhance uptake.
Spray the area thoroughly enough to wet the target grass.
Add Nitrogen Source (AMS) for optimum performance.