Bayer Insecticides

Dylox 420 SL
(Dimethyl phosphonate)
2 x 2.5 Gal Case
Dylox 420 SL works by both contact and ingestion. It rescues and protects lawns and turf from grubs and certain other insects that feed on them. When watered properly, this product can even penetrate thatch up to 1/2-inch thick.
New formulation is easier to use and sprays more evenly
Provides rapid curative grub control in as little as 24 hours
Helps stop damage from predators such as skunks, birds, raccoons, etc.
Provides control for other surface-feeding insects
Best product available for third instar grubs
Has a longer effective application window than most competitors
Pests controlled
Annual bluegrass weevils (larvae and adult), armyworms, chinch bugs, cutworms, sod webworms, white grubs

Dylox 6.2 Granular
(Dimethyl phosphonate)
30 lb Bag
Dylox 6.2 works by both contact and ingestion. It rescues and protects lawns and turf from grubs and certain other insects that feed on them. When watered properly, this product can even penetrate thatch up to 1/2 inch thick.
Provides rapid curative grub control in as little as 24 hours
Works faster than competitive curative products
Has a longer effective application window than most competitors
Kills second and third instar grubs on contact, as well as listed surface-feeding and soil insects
Helps stop damage from predators such as skunks, birds and raccoons
Pests controlled
Annual bluegrass weevils (larvae and adult), armyworms, chinch bugs, cutworms, sod webworms, white grubs

17.1 oz bottle
Indemnify is a next-generation nematicide that controls key plant parasitic nematodes in turfgrass. It improves root growth and overall turfgrass health, translating to better playability with improved wear tolerance. Indemnify is safe on all turf types including bermudagrass, creeping bentgrass and annual bluegrass. Indemnify is also approved for use on all golf course areas of play, along with sod farms, sport fields, residential, institutional, municipal, and commercial turfgrass areas.
Use & Control
Sting, root-knot, ring, Anguina pacificae, and has activity on many other key nematode species

Merit 75 WSP
4 x 1.6 oz WSP Case
110 x 1.6 oz WSP MegaDrum
Merit provides the industry’s longest-lasting grub control at exceptionally low use rates. This product gives outstanding residual control of numerous ornamental pests – it interferes with nerve impulses and disrupts insect behavior. Pests stop feeding, stop reproducing, and eventually die.
The No. 1 insecticide in the turf and ornamental market
Broad-spectrum systemic action
Outstanding preventive and curative control
Long residual activity
Usage rates up to 96% lower than many registered soil insecticides
Pests controlled
Turf pests:Billbug larvae; European crane fly; hairy chinch bugs; mole crickets; white grubs, including Japanese beetle, black turfgrass ataenius, Northern masked chafer, Southern masked chafer, European chafer, oriental beetle, May and June beetles
Ornamental pests:Adelgids, aphids, Asian long-horned beetle, borers, elm leaf beetles, emerald ash borer, hemlock woolly adelgid, Japanese and other leaf-feeding beetles, lace bugs, leafhoppers, leafminers, mealybugs, pine tip moth, royal palm bug, sawfly larvae, scale insects, thrips (suppression), vine weevils, whiteflies

Sevin SL
2 x 2.5 Gal Case
Sevin carbaryl insecticides have been trusted for decades by golf course superintendents, arborists, lawn care operators, nursery professionals, and parks and recreation directors. Sevin SL provides effective broad-spectrum control of more than 130 turf and ornamental pests.
A trusted insect pest management tool for more than 60 years
One of the broadest ranges of pest control insecticides ever developed in the industry, and maintained today when many older chemistries have been dropped
No resistance problems for any of the ornamental, tree and turf pests
Quick knockdown and substantial residual, permitting a wide window of application for most pests – this means the product can be used at first glance of a pest, preventing it from materializing as a problem
Formulated to bloom in the spray tank and provide uniform, superior spray deliver and spread on all kinds of leaf surfaces
Pests controlled
Annual bluegrass weevil, ants, armyworms, bagworms, box elder bugs, birch, boxwood and oak leafminers, chinch bugs, cutworms, European crane fly larvae, gypsy moth larvae, leafhoppers, Japanese beetles (adult), lace bugs, pine beetles, spittlebugs, sod webworms, tent caterpillars, white grubs

Tempo Ultra GC
30.43 fl oz bottle
Tempo Ultra GC is the fastest-acting insect control on the market for use on golf courses. It’s easier to use, less messy to handle, needs less agitation and is more evenly dispersed during application. And nothing is more effective.
Quick broad-spectrum control of more than 100 nuisance pests
Immediate knockdown
Long residual
Reduced A.I. and low use rate
Low toxicity
Labeled for emerald ash borer
Pests controlled
Annual bluegrass weevils (adult), ants, aphids, armyworms, bagworms, black turfgrass ataenius beetles, bluegrass billbugs, chinch bugs, cutworms, emerald ash borers, fungus gnats, grasshoppers, lace bugs, leaf-feeding beetles (adults and larvae), scale insects (crawlers), sod webworms, spiders, thrips, ticks