Cleary 26/36
2 x 2.5 Gal Case
The proprietary formulation of iprodione and thiophanate-methyl offers two modes of action and two plant movement strategies to increase length of disease control. As a tank-mix partner, it is compatible with most commonly used fungicides.
26/36® fungicide is a foliar applied fungicide, recommended for turfgrass disease control on golf courses, sod farms, and institutional areas where fine turf is grown. It provides effective, broad spectrum turf disease control and also serves as a useful tank mixture in the resistance management program required for other resistant sensitive fungicides.
When used in conjunction with good turf management practices, 26/36 Fungicide is effective in controlling the following diseases: dollar spot, brown patch, anthracnose, leaf spots such as Helminthosporium leaf spot caused by Drechslera spp. pathogens, corticium red thread, Fusarium patch, zoysia patch, ascochyta leaf blight and copper spot.Do not drench. Do not allow the spray mixture to stand for longer than 12 hours as some breakdown of the product may occur. Maintain agitation during spray operations. Apply with a properly calibrated sprayer.

Cleary 3336 DG LIte
30 lb Bag
3336® DG Lite is formulated with patented granular dispersing technology. Mixed with water, the particles quickly disperse enabling easier and more consistent application as well as better penetration into the plant root zone.
Superior patented dispersing granule technology
Contact with water causes rapid particle distribution
New 150 SGN particle makes application easy and more consistent
Perfect match for today’s management styles
3336® DG Lite is a broad-spectrum fungicide exhibiting preventive, curative and systemic properties. It is useful on a wide variety of turf and ornamental disease problems. Apply 3336 DG Lite with ground based, hand operated (push) or mechanical (power) equipment sufficient to accurately deliver this product to the application site. Do not apply by hand or with hand held rotary spreader (e.g. bellygrinder). Application equipment should be properly calibrated prior to use. Application equipment should be thoroughly cleaned after use. If a rate range is given, use the higher rate under conditions of severe disease pressure. Contact your local State Extension service for recommendations for application schedules appropriate to your area. This product is not for homeowner use and can only be used by individuals/firms licensed or registered by the state to apply ornamental or turf pest control products. No claim of compatibility with other pesticides is implied. Do not apply this product through any type of irrigation system.

Cleary 3336 F
2 x 2.5 Gal Case
3336 F fungicide sets the standard in thiophanate-methyl formulation in today’s ornamental settings offering powerful control in a flowable formula.
Easy-to-use formulation
Full chemigation label
Broad-spectrum disease control
Tank-mix compatible with most commonly used pesticides
3336® F may be used on all fine turf applications such as commercial, residential and public (such as home lawns, parks, athletic fields, schools, and day care centers), and golf courses (greens, tees, fairways and aprons) of cool- and warm-season grasses such as bentgrass, bluegrass, bermudagrass, fescue, ryegrass, St. Augustinegrass, zoysiagrass, or their mixtures. 3336 F is not phytotoxic to any of the above mentioned grasses when used in accordance with the label. It has both preventive and curative activity. Not for use on turf being grown for sale or other commercial use as sod.

Cleary 3336 WP
6 x 2 lb Case
3336® WP is a broad-spectrum systemic fungicide with preventive and curative properties. 3336 WP comes in pre-measured, water-soluble packaging, is tank mix compatible with many pesticides and offers a full chemigation label.
Premeasured, water-soluble packaging
Broad-spectrum disease control
Full chemigation label
Apply 3336® WP with properly calibrated hand held, mechanical or motorized spray equipment or by chemigation through appropriate sprinkler irrigation systems. Spray uniformly over the area to be treated. Apply recommended amounts in sufficient water to obtain thorough coverage of treatment area. When treating golf greens,always treat aprons. Use the highest recommended rate under conditions of severe disease pressure. For best results, apply after moving or avoid mowing twelve hours after application. For root pathogens, lightly water the treatment area to move the fungicide into active root zone with one to two tenths inch of water. Excessive irrigation may move application below active root zone and reduce application effectiveness. Green design and drainage will influence irrigation practices. When tank mixing with contact action fungicides for foliar disease, application should be allowed to dry on leaf surfaces. Normal watering may proceed after sprays have dried.

Cleary Affirm WDG
4 x 0.5 lb Resealable Bag
3 x 2.4 lb Resealable Bag
Affirm WDG fungicide is a concentrated, easy-to-mix water dispersible granule formulation that delivers excellent disease control. Plus, it reduces plant residue on ornamentals with a unique mode of action.
Provides excellent protection through foliar and translaminar systemic activity
Effective resistance management tool
Tank-mix compatible with most commonly used pesticides
Labeled for use on ornamentals and edibles
Convenient packaging

60 fl oz bottle
Pinpoint™ Fungicide is formulated with a new fungicide active ingredient designed for outstanding dollar spot control. Pinpoint provides superintendents and other turf management professionals with an excellent fungicide program rotation partner to help manage and mitigate dollar spot resistance from SDHI, DMI, benzimidazole and dicarboximide fungicides. Pinpoint is labeled for use on golf courses and sod farms, as well as residential and commercial lawns.
New fungicide active ingredient available exclusively from Nufarm
Unique and selective activity against dollar spot
Excellent rotation partner for managing resistance to SDHI, DMI, benzimidazole and dicarboximide fungicides
Excellent turf safety
Preventive and early curative activity
Optimized for early- through late-season dollar spot control
Pinpoint can be applied pre- or post-infection, but is most effective when applied prior to infection. Optimal disease control is achieved when Pinpoint is applied in a regularly scheduled spray program, used in combination and/or rotation with other effective fungicides that have different modes of action and are effective against dollar spot.
For dollar spot, use preventively and begin applications when conditions favor disease development. For all other diseases, begin applications when conditions favor disease development or when the disease first appears.

Protect DF
6 x 6 lb Case
Protect™ DF provides excellent control of a variety of important plant diseases. With high fungicidal activity, it is safe on turfgrass and certain ornamentals. It can be used as a preventive measure at lower labeled rates or as a curative at higher labeled rates if diseases are already established.
Broad-spectrum disease control for ornamentals
Easy to use, dry flowable formulation
Full chemigation label
TURFFor use on all fine turf applications such as industrial and municipal lawns, including office parks, sod farms, cemeteries, parks and golf course greens, tees, aprons, and fairways of cool- and warm-season grasses, such as bentgrasses, bermudagrasses, bluegrass, fescues, ryegrasses, St. Augustine grasses, zoysia grasses or their mixtures. Protect™ DF is not phytotoxic to any of the above mentioned grasses when used in accordance with the label. Refer to General Use on label instructions except when more specific directions are given for individual crops or diseases.Protect DF can provide both curative and protective action. Start preventive applications when conditions for disease occurrence are favorable or when disease first appears and repeat at 10-14 day intervals or until disease threat is past. When conditions are especially favorable for disease development, apply maximum fungicide use rate on a 10-day spray schedule. For best results, use spray mixture the same day it is prepared. Spray uniformly over the area to be treated with a properly calibrated power sprayer. Apply after mowing or avoid mowing twelve hours after application. Apply specified amounts in sufficient water to obtain thorough coverage, 1-3 gal /1,000 sq ft suggested for mechanical applications, smaller volumes are acceptable for hand applications and with proper equipment calibration and nozzle selection. When treating golf greens, always treat aprons and approaches.

Spectro 90 WDG
4 x 5 lb Case
25 lb Pail
Spectro® 90 WDG is a combination of two broad-spectrum fungicides – 3336® and Legend™.
Easy-to-use formulation
Broad-spectrum disease control for ornamentals
Tank-mix compatible with most commonly used pesticides
Full chemigation label
For use only by certified applicators or those under their immediate supervision. For use on fine turf applications of cool- and warm-season grasses, such as bentgrasses, bermudagrasses, bluegrasses, fescues, ryegrasses, St. Augustine grasses, zoysia grasses or their mixtures, except where prohibited. Spectro® 90 WDG is not phytotoxic to any of the above mentioned grasses when used in accordance with the label. It can provide both curative and protective action. For best results, use spray mixture the same day it is prepared. Spray uniformly over the area to be treated with a properly calibrated power sprayer. Begin applications when conditions favor disease development and repeat applications as long as these conditions persist. Treatments should be applied using 14 - 21 day intervals as indicated. When treating golf greens, always treat aprons and approaches. Use the highest recommended rate and shortest application interval under conditions of severe disease pressure. Apply recommended amounts in sufficient water to obtain thorough coverage (2-4 gallons suggested per 1,000 square feet). Spectro 90 WDG should always be used in conjunction with good turf management practices. Apply after mowing or avoid mowing twelve hours after application. Do not mow or water after treatment until spray deposited on turfgrass is thoroughly dry.

Spotrete F
2 x 2.5 Gal Case
Spotrete™ F offers a different mode of action to battle disease resistance management issues. Labeled for cool- and warm-season turf grass diseases.
Animal repellent
Tank-mix compatible with most commonly used pesticides
Preventive and curative action
Cool- and warm-season turfgrass disease prevention
Spotrete™ F is to be used for the prevention and control of the foliar diseases mentioned in product label. It can provide both curative and protective action against common turf diseases. Start preventive applications when conditions for disease occurrence are favorable and repeat at 14-day intervals until disease threat is past. Start curative applications when disease first appears and repeat at 14-day intervals as necessary. For best results, use spray mixture the same day it is prepared. Apply after mowing or avoid mowing for twelve hours after application. Spotrete F may be used in a tank mix with other fungicides for control of foliar turf pathogens. This product can be mixed with iprodione, thiophanate-methyl, propiconazole, triadimefon, chlorothalonil, PCNB, myclobutanil, azoxystrobin and mancozeb for use on listed crops and sites in accordance with the most restrictive of label limitations and precautions. No label dosage rates should be reduced or exceeded. This product can not be mixed with any product containing a label prohibition against such mixing. Consult product labels for instructions on use. No claim of compatibility with other pesticides is implied. When tank mixing, read and observe the most restrictive precautionary statements and other information appearing on product labels.

104 oz Bottle
Stellar® is a unique fungicide premix that offers excellent control of Pythium due to its novel and synergistic mode-of-action. Stellar is a combination of fluopicolide and propamocarb, which increases the effectiveness of each component for super charged Pythium control. With one of your toughest foes under control, you’ll be free to focus on other enemies attacking your turf.
Synergistic premix of fluopicolide and propamocarb
Novel mode of action (MOA) for improved resistance management
RATES: 1.2 fl oz per 1000 sq ft (52 fl oz/A). The maximum application rate is 2.4 fl oz per 1000 sq ft per year (104 fl oz/A per year). Apply in a minimum volume of 2 gals per 1000 sq ft.Overseeded Turf: Apply after seed germination to prevent Pythium damping off.Established Turf: Apply when conditions favor disease development. Favorable conditions include high temperatures and high humidity. Do not apply more than two (2) applications of Stellar Fungicide per season. If necessary, make an additional application on a 14 day interval.Stellar Fungicide is most effective when applied in a regularly scheduled spray program used in combination and/or rotation with other effective fungicides that have different modes of action (i.e., non Group 28 & 43 fungicides).

4 x 5 lb Case
Nothing takes out tough diseases in turf like Tourney Fungicide. Superintendents and LCOs can handle the toughest diseases throughout season with Tourney in the tank. As one of the most active fungicides on the market, it's the go-to solution for effective control of a broad spectrum of tough diseases, including anthracnose, brown patch, summer patch, take-all patch, fairy ring, dollar spot, necrotic ring spot, gray leaf spot, snow mold and other patch diseases. Plus, Tourney delivers exceptional turf quality and low use rates.

2 x 2.5 Gal Case
Traction™ fungicide is a proven premix that helps golf course managers save time and stay in control of challenging diseases, including anthracnose, dollar spot, brown patch and snow mold. Traction fungicide combines FRAC 29 and FRAC 3 active ingredients supporting a strong disease resistance management program. Plus, by working on contact and systemically within the plant, Traction effectively controls 19 challenging turf diseases and algal scum. Traction delivers premium fungicide performance on every golf course area including fairways, greens, aprons and tees.