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Premion Fungicide

2 x 2.5 gal case


Dollar spot, brown patch and anthracnose are the scourge of golf course superintendents throughout the U.S. They’re pervasive diseases that aren’t picky about where they pop up, and few products combat all three easily.


Enter PREMION™ Fungicide.


PREMION Fungicide is the newest addition to the turf fungicide family at AMVAC® , It is an effective, water-based solution to dollar spot and brown patch, and it works extremely well on anthracnose, too. It’s a pre-mix formulation that contains two proven fungicide active ingredients. Pentachloronitrobenzene (PCNB) is a contact fungicide and has been a premier active ingredient for controlling snow mold for more than 50 years. Tebuconazole is a systemic fungicide with a broad spectrum of activity and is one of the leading DMI fungicides in the turf market. Turfjet™ technology offers enhanced turf tolerance and an expanded application window for actively growing turfgrass.

Dollar spot and brown patch are all wet

PREMION Fungicide is a water-based formula that gives users more options when it comes to integrating fairway disease management programs. Applied at the beginning and end of the season, PREMION provides dual modes of action along with both contact and systemic activity to be an integral part of control programs for dollar spot, brown patch and other problematic diseases. The figures below show selected treatments from recent brown patch and dollar spot trials

Application Recommendations for PREMION™

PREMION should be applied to turfgrass that is well established, actively growing, and not under excessive heat, moisture or turf growth regulator stress or drought stress. Use PREMION as part of a control program that consists of a sequence of fungicides that have proven efficacy against the target disease. Most of the research with PREMION evaluated it in combination with the pigment product Par® at 1 pint per acre, but other similar products will also further enhance turf tolerance.


Two modes of action for anthracnose control

University turfgrass pathologists generally recommend initiating an anthracnose control program at least a month before symptoms historically first appear at a given site. They also recommend using at least two active ingredients with proven anthracnose activity in every spray targeting this disease. PREMION harnesses the power of PCNB and tebuconazole and provides two modes of action and both contact and systemic activity against anthracnose. In fact, PREMION is the only pre-mix product on the market that contains a FRAC Group 14 fungicide. This makes PREMION an important component of a resistance management program. Figure 3 shows the outstanding performance of the PREMION formula against anthracnose in recent independent field trials

Finish the Season With a PREMION Snow Mold Application

When preparing courses for winter, superintendents in the northern part of the country can rest assured knowing that the active ingredients in PREMION are renowned for their effectiveness against snow mold pathogens.


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