Quali Pro Fungicides

2x2.5 gal case
Economical, cost-effective, broad-spectrum disease control for cool and warm season grasses, trees, shrubs, and flowers.
Excellent tank mix partner with most other fungicides.
Labeled for use on cool and warm season grasses and on all labeled ornamentals.
Contact mode of action for quick results.
Multi-Site activity means no disease resistance with repeated use.
2 x 2.5 gal case
Economical, cost-effective, broad-spectrum disease control for cool and warm season grasses, trees, shrubs, and flowers.
Excellent tank mix partner with most other fungicides.
Labeled for use on cool and warm season grasses and on all labeled ornamentals.
Contact mode of action for quick results.
Multi-Site activity means no disease resistance with repeated use.
2 x 10 lb case
Features preventative disease protection with multi-site activity which means no resistance with repeated use.
Excellent tank mix partner with most other fungicides.
Labeled for use on cool and warm season grasses and on all labeled ornamentals.
Contact mode of action for quick results.
Easy to use dry flowable formulation.
2x2.5 gal case
ENCLAVE®, a new broad-spectrum fungicide, gives you a powerful weapon in the war on fungal diseases in turfgrass and ornamentals. The first product of its kind in North America, ENCLAVE is formulated with Quad-Control Technology that delivers effective, long-lasting protection from anthracnose, brown patch, dollar spot, snow mold and broad range of ornamental diseases.
4 x 5.5 lb case
Get true tip-to-root protection and improved turf vigor with new Fosetyl-Al 80 WDG. Like Aliette Signature, it delivers proven control of Pythium, Yellow Tuft, Phytophthora and other diseases in turf, ornamentals and bedding plants.
True up-and-down systemic action for effective, preventative turf/plant disease control
Stimulates defense mechanisims, enhances plant vigor
Single application delivers up to 30 days protection
2 x 1 gal case
Water-based formulation features low odor. Systemic mode of action and translocation through the plant can provide up to 3 weeks protection.
Excellent tank mix partner with most other fungicides. Combine with Quali-Pro Chlorothalonil for added brown patch control during stressful summer decline months.
Low odor compared to EC formulations.
Can be used on cool and warm season grasses and on all labeled ornamentals.
University Tested.
2 x 1 gal case
Systemic, preventative and curative fungicide for the control of many diseases in established turf (including but not limited to residential and commercial lawns, turf, golf course fairways, greens and roughs), landscape ornamentals and nursery/greenhouse ornamentals.
Excellent control of dollar spot, brown patch, anthracnose, spring dead spot, and other diseases
Systemic solution for curative and preventative control of fungal diseases
Labeled for golf, lawns, ornamentals and trees; and production nursery and greenhouse
Convenient liquid formulation
4 x 1 gal case
For the prevention and control of various diseases on Turf grasses (GOLF COURSES ONLY) and in Field, Nursery and Container grown ornamentals, Commercial and Residential landscapes. Not for use on residential lawns.
4 x 5 lb case
Long-lasting all purpose fungicide provides cost effective broad-spectrum disease control for cool and warm season grasses, turf and ornamentals.
Broad spectrum activity.
Excellent tank mix partner with most other fungicides.
Can be used on cool and warm season grasses and on all labeled ornamentals.
Both systemic and contact mode of action.
University tested.