Round Up Herbicides

Round Up Quick Pro
6.8 lb jug
5 x 1.5 oz packets per box
For the performance you expect from Roundup® IT&O Products and fast, visible results within 24 hours, Roundup QuikPRO® herbicide has what it takes to quickly satisfy the toughest customer.
The power and speed you need
Roundup QuikPRO® has fast burndown, showing results in as little as 24 hours. Its quick uptake speeds weed-killing power right to the root, where it can’t wash away.
Roundup QuikPRO® is a dry formulation that is easy to handle and easy to clean up. It includes a measuring cup spout that makes it easy to measure and mix, and it mixes easily with water to form a true solution that won’t settle out or clog nozzles.
Rainfast in one hour

Round Up PROMax
1.67 gal jug
Roundup PROMAX® herbicide is the next generation in the evolution of high performing Roundup® IT&O Products for the green industry.
More Concentrated
Roundup PROMAX® is a new potassium salt formulation. One gallon of Roundup PROMAX® contains the glyphosate acid equivalent of 6 quarts of the older 41% IPA-salt formulations.
Consistent, Professional Performance
Roundup PROMAX® controls a broad-spectrum of broadleaf weeds, grasses vines and brush.
30-Minute Rainfast Warranty
The unique surfactant system of Roundup PROMAX® allows the solution to penetrate weed leaf surfaces faster, which means Roundup PROMAX® is rainfast in half the time of its predecessor, Roundup PRO®.
How To Renovate Cool-Season Turf With Roundup PROMAX® herbicide
Make a broadcast application of 3.0 quarts per acre of Roundup PROMAX® herbicide to actively growing cool-season turfgrass in late summer. Mix 2 oz of Roundup PROMAX® herbicide per gal water for handgun or spot treatment applications. No additional surfactant needed or recommended.
Wait 7 to 14 days for maximum control of old turfgrasses and weeds.
Good seed-soil contact is critical for success. Mow, rake, verticut, core aerate, slit seed or lightly till the area to expose and loosen the soil surface and ensure good seed-soil contact.
Use high quality, weed-free, certified cool-season turfgrass seed at recommended rate per 1000 sq ft to reseed.
Adequate water must be available from seeding through completion of germination. Enough rain or irrigation to keep a constantly moist, not muddy seed bed 1 to 2 weeks. Short, frequent watering is best.
Follow on-line university extension recommendations for cool-season turfgrass cultural, fertility, soil pH and weed control practices to maintain the newly renovated turf.