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Exteris Stressgard Fungicide

2.5 gal jug


Exteris Stressgard is a new fungicide that combines an SDHI active ingredient (fluopyram) with a proven Qol partner (trifloxystrobin) to deliver broad-spectrum disease control on golf greens, tees and fairways. Thanks to dual-stacked formulation enhancements including Stressgard® Formulation Technology, this product delivers increased plant health benefits along with improved turf quality. It offers both preventative and curative activity to control key turfgrass diseases across a wide range of spray volumes. It dries and is absorbed quickly, and features properties that yields dew mitigation under certain conditions. Exteris Stressgard has demonstrated excellent tank-mix compatibility with a number of other turf products (check label for complete list) making it simple to integrate into your current disease program.

How to use Exteris Stressgard


Exteris™ Stressgard® is a next-generation foliar fungicide with unique formulation enhancements that deliver preventative and curative disease control as well as improved plant health and turf quality.

Best Uses

Dollar spot, brown patch, leaf spots [2(ee) label] and Microdochium patch

Exteris Stressgard can be used in a preventative fungicide program on fairways, using 7- to 28-day intervals with

higher rates and shorter intervals during weather highly conducive to disease. Exteris Stressgard can be used throughout the year to preventively control dollar spot, brown patch, leaf spots and Microdochium patch.


When combined with Signature™ XTRA Stressgard, Exteris Stressgard will also provide control of anthracnose.

Exteris Stressgard also provides quick knockdown of dollar spot and brown patch so it can be used effectively in a

curative disease management program.

Key Strengths

Fluopyram, one of the active ingredients in Exteris Stressgard, is the only SDHI fungicide within the pyridinyl-ethyl benzamide chemical group. The combination with trifloxystrobin provides excellent control of many foliar diseases without any growth regulation concerns and offers a flexible rate range and application schedule from 7 to 28 days.

Leaf-Cote Technology

Improves spray droplet coverage & adhesion

• Fast dry time on leaf surface

• Improves rainfastness

• Improved droplet dynamics have shown benefits such

as a reduction in dew and frost under certain conditions

• Fast curative control


Exteris Stressgard is the only product that includes a combination of Leaf-Cote™ and Stressgard Formulation

technologies that are optimized for applications to fairways, greens and tees.

Stressgard Technology

Enhances plant health effects

• Alleviates both abiotic & biotic stresses

• Mitigation & recovery from wear stress

• Improves turf color, quality & density

© 2024 Clesens, Clesen PROturf Solutions & Arthur Clesen Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Arthur Clesen Inc. and Clesen PROturf Solutions is a distributor of commercial fertilizer, chemicals, grass seed, ice, melters, T&O Supplies and Irrigation Components to green industry professionals in Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota and Wisconsin.

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