Spray Tank Adjuvants

AquaLock Anti-Transpirant
2 x 2.5 gal case
AquaLock is a unique wax dispersion that forms a thin, flexible, water-repellent layer on plant surfaces. AquaLock protects plants against drought, extreme temperatures, wind and sunscald. AquaLock may extend watering intervals for turf and ornamental crops.
Will not clog nozzles
Washes easily off spray equipment
Free of volatile organic compounds
Stable at temperatures above freezing

Border 2.0 Drift Control Agent and Deposition Aid
2 x 2.5 gal case
Border 2.0 is a concentrated liquid adjuvant for spray droplet management. It enhances the performance of spray applications by modifying the physical characteristics of the spray droplet, improving droplet retention while reducing off-target movement.
Border 2.0 is a part of the Total Spray Droplet Management™ portfolio of products that improve safety and efficacy of spray applications.
Features & Benefits
Reduces drift and other potential off-target movement
Maximizes large-droplet retention and coverage
Flexible product that performs across a wide range of nozzle types

ChemStik Nonionic Spreader Sticker
4 x 1 gal case
Nonionic spreader sticker maximizes leaf surface coverage of spray solutions, while providing washoff protection from untimely rainfall.
Excellent coverage
Increases wetting, adhesion and endurance of pesticide sprays
Won't gum up sprayers like ordinary spreaders/stickers
Low-use rates

ChemStik LpH Nonionic Spreader Sticker
4 x 1 gal case
A unique non-ionic spreader-sticker formulated to protect crop protection products from premature chemical breakdown by buffering the spray solution to a slightly acidic pH level of 5.0 to 6.0. Start with a 16 oz use rate and verify that desired pH level has been achieved. If needed, continue adding in 8 oz increments.
Buffers spray solution pH to protect pesticides
Protects applications from washoff
Increases wetting, adhesion, and endurance of pesticide sprays
Won't gum up sprayers like ordinary spreaders/stickers

Delux Surfactant Plus AMS Adjuvant
2 x 2.5 gal case
Biodegradable activator surfactant and ammonium sulfate premix enhances performance of glyphosate and certain postemergence herbicides.
Ideal for use with Manage® and Image® for improved nutsedge control
Enhances phenoxy control of tough broadleaves like dandelions and thistles
Activator surfactant provides quick and superior leaf surface coverage for maximum herbicide absorption
Provides ammonium ions for improved herbicide uptake
Buffers spray solution and prevents premature pesticide breakdown from alkaline hydrolysis
Approved for aquatic use with RODEO®

Direct Drift Retardant
12 x 1 qt case
Drift retardant reduces drift risk and maximizes pesticide performance by binding ultra-small spray particles into larger droplets.
Refined use rates for fewer mixing errors
Low "phaseout" formulation means longer shelf-life
The easiest to use liquid drift retardant
Can be used with Roundup WeatherMAX when tankmixing with 17 lbs/100 of AMS

Incide Out Spray Tank Cleaner
12 x 1 qt case
Liquid spray tank cleaner emulsifies and bonds pesticide residues to rinse water for complete purging.
- DuPont and Syngenta approved
- Won't plug screens and nozzles like dry tank cleaners
- Penetrates residue buildup
- Antiredeposition aids improve cleanout
- High pH neutralizes organic acids
- Can be disposed of with normal rinsate solution
- Contains corrosion inhibitors to protect equipment
- Low-use rates

KnockDown Foam Suppresant
12 x 1 qt case
Foam suppressant quickly defoams spray solutions containing nonionic surfactants, silicone surfactants or crop oil concentrates.
- General purpose antifoamer and defoamer
- Prevents foam spillover
- Easy-to-use fliptop lid and 2 oz. dosing increments with viewstrip on quart containers

Microyl Crop Oil Replacement
6 x 1 gal case
Activator adjuvant provides superior performance and improved turfgrass safety at lower use rates than ordinary crop oil concentrates.
Manufacturer-approved adjuvant
Proven performance and turfgrass safety
Low use rates of 3-4 pints per 100 gallons
40% less product to inventory, store and handle
Saves warehouse space
Reduces time required for mixing
Mixes easily
Disperses in cold water
Creates a stable micro emulsion
Won't leave oily residues in tank

New Balance pH Acidifier
6 x 1 gal case
Citric-based, pH acidifier, buffer and nonionic surfactant modifies spray solution pH when breakdown from alkaline hydrolysis can reduce insecticide and fungicide performance.
Increases the spreading and coverage of a spray solution on leaf surfaces
Lowers the pH of the spray water to prevent alkaline hydrolysis
Formulated with antifoam to prevent foaming

Pen-A-Trate II Premium Nonionic Surfactant
2 x 2.5 gal case
Low-foaming, nonionic surfactant provides superior coverage and penetration of spray solutions on tough-to-control weeds.
Excellent wetting and spreading on tough-to-cover leaf surfaces
Optimum HLB range for sulfonylurea herbicides
University tested and manufacturer-approved adjuvant
Easy-to-use, low-foaming formulation
Nonflammable, noncorrosive for easy storage and handling
Contains no alcohol

Speed Nonionic Siloxone Surfactant
4 x 1 gal case
Low-foaming, low-use rate, nonionic siloxane surfactant moves spray solution up and down plant for superior coverage.
Speed is drift retardant compatible and should be used with pesticides that rely on coverage as a primary method of offering control or protection.
Provides superior coverage of contact pesticides
Improves rainfastness
Low-use rate
Low foaming

Sync Fungicide Activator
12 x 1 pints per case
Unique, proprietary adjuvant technology enhances performance of contact and systemic fungicides, and lengthens disease control at reduced water volume on a wide variety of turf diseases.
Maximized fungicide performance against a wide range of turf diseases
Greater longevity of disease control
Improved turf health
Optimized playing conditions
Reduced spray volume, application time, labor and interference with play

Transport Ultra Water Conditioner and Nonionic Surfactant
2 x 2.5 gal case
Transport Ultra is designed to effectively replace the need for ammonium sulfate with weak acid herbicides such as glyphosate, dicamba and phenoxies by sequestering antagonistic hard water ions and protonating the herbicide for rapid uptake and translocation that ensures optimum biological performance.
Ultra low-use rate of 1-2 qts.per 100 gallons & NIS premix means no more complicated tank mix
Less product to handle, no more handling heavy bags of AMS
Easier to use than AMS Sulfate, concentrated liquid mixes instantly with water and won't plug nozzels
Provides extra surfactants for added performance against tough weeds